Vanishing Acts by Jodi Picoult Paperback Book


Rent Vanishing Acts

Author: Jodi Picoult

Format: Paperback

Publisher: Pocket Books

Published: Nov 2005

Genre: Fiction - Literary

Retail Price: $17.99

Pages: 448


Delia Hopkins is living a placid enough life in New Hampshire with her little daughter, and is about to finally marry the child's father, Eric, a lawyer. Then, suddenly Delia's life bursts wide open: her adored father, Andrew, is arrested for kidnapping--a crime that goes back 28 years, to when Delia was four years old. It was Delia herself whom her father kidnapped, whisking her away from the drunken mother Delia thought had died years ago. This bizarre, long-held secret explains the odd fragments of memory Delia has been struggling to identify. With Eric is enlisted as Andrew's lawyer, and her old friend (who is in love with her) Fitz covering the case for the local paper, Delia finds herself at the center of a tangled web of events, including a reunion with her Mexican mother, now a recovered alcoholic and a revered healer. The story is told from several points of view as the many fascinating layers of the story are revealed.

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BookLender review by Catherine on 2012-03-29 18:00:01

I get so frustrated with these books. They are about twice as long as they should be, and filled with sentimental claptrap. The characters are fairly one dimensional although I am sure that the author doesnt see this, since she is constantly having them mull over things like watching the sunshine reflect from her hair, looking for four leaf clover in the morning dew, or saying things like, Love is the easiest thing to fall into. And the hardest thing to sustain. She must do this like 100 times per book. I think she believes she is plumping out the characters, but since they all spew the same stuff, it does nothing to describe them. She does weave a good plot and throws twists and interesting bits in. she has researched thoroughly and the novels are pretty much true to life. There is always a love triangle or a situation where the couple can not admit to one another that they are still in love. Sorry if you are upset by my criticism.

BookLender review by Debbie on 2009-01-25 12:45:43

With 3 kids I don't often read a book in one sitting, buttthis one I stayed up half the night with. Fast paced, interesting story. Enjoyed the diffferent points of view that unfolded the story mixing past and present for all of the characters. Really great book!