Highland Dawn (Druids Glen) (Volume 3) by Donna Grant Paperback Book


Rent Highland Dawn (Druids Glen) (Volume 3)

Author: Donna Grant

Format: Quality Paperback

Publisher: DL Grant, LLC

Published: Jan 2017

Genre: Fiction - Romance - Historical

Pages: 364


One prophecy to save the world. Two realms fighting for control. Three Druid sisters who hold the key to salvation and the hearts of the men who would love them. Join New York Times bestselling author Donna Grant as she transports you into the dark and dangerous world of the Druids.

An immortal with unanswered questions...
The immortal Dartayous, a powerful Druid Warrior, is given one mission--keep Moira alive to fulfill the prophecy. But with each passing day the burning desire he feels for her eats away at the wall surrounding his heart...

A Druid priestess in search of a key...
Moira Sinclair must find the key to enter the Realm of the Fae, but once she enters the sacred realm, secrets she has kept buried rise and force her to see herself for what she really is. Will the beautiful and commanding king of the Fae win her heart? Or will Dartayous finally claim her as his own?

***This is a 2017 re-launch of the Druids Glen series that debuted back in 2006 before being sold to another publisher in 2009.***

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