Highland Fires (Druids Glen) (Volume 4) by Donna Grant Paperback Book


Rent Highland Fires (Druids Glen) (Volume 4)

Author: Donna Grant

Format: Quality Paperback

Publisher: DL Grant, LLC

Published: Jan 2017

Genre: Fiction - Romance - Historical

Pages: 326


One prophecy to save the world. Two realms fighting for control. Three Druid sisters who hold the key to salvation and the hearts of the men who would love them. Join New York Times bestselling author Donna Grant as she transports you into the dark and dangerous world of the Druids.

A haunted man...
Once a powerful Fae and heir to the throne of the Fae, Lugus has been given a second chance by his brother the Fae king. No longer immortal, Lugas makes his home off the coast of Scotland as he struggles to cope with his foul deeds and memories of a love that was never his.

A hunted woman...
Ahryn has been bound to the realm of Earth by an ancient Celtic slave bracelet that prevents her from using any of her Fae magic. As her hope dwindles, she spots Lugus and knows he is her last chance. Though he was banished from the realm of the Fae and stripped of his immortality, she trusts him with her life...and her heart.

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