Stephen Coonts' Deep Black: Conspiracy (Deep Black) by Stephen Coonts Paperback Book


Rent Stephen Coonts' Deep Black: Conspiracy (Deep Black)

Author: Stephen Coonts

Format: Mass Market Paperback, Unabridged-MP3

Publisher: St. Martin's Press

Published: Jun 2008

Genre: Fiction - Espionage

Retail Price: $7.99

Pages: 480


A Secret Service agent is dead, an apparent suicide. A presidential candidate narrowly escapes an assassin’s bullet. And Desk Three, a convert branch of the NSA, is searching for a chilling connection deep inside The Republic of Vietnam.

Once, Charlie Dean was a Marine sniper in Quang Nam Province. Today he’s a Deep Black operator, returning to Vietnam to find the source of some threatening e-mails. Instead, he comes face to face with a man he had once hunted down…and thought he had killed.

Back in the U.S., Deep Black agent Lia DeFrancesca has uncovered the trail of a killer in Dean’s path. Now, with every asset, weapon, bug and high-tech magic wand Desk Three can wave, the agents enter a terrifying global race against time. Because ghosts of the past have risen to life…to strike a death blow into the heart of the U.S.A.

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