The Bitch is Back by Deja King Paperback Book


Rent The Bitch is Back

Author: Deja King

Format: Quality Paperback

Publisher: Triple Crown Publications

Published: Apr 2008

Genre: Fiction - Urban Life

Retail Price: $15.00

Pages: 260


Precious Cummings is more ruthless than ever in Part 3 of the Bitch series. In The Bitch Is Back, Precious is relishing in every hood queen s dream life. She has her king, Supreme, and her princess, their daughter Aaliyah. With an estate in Beverly Hills, a fleet of luxurious cars and endless cash flow, the drama Precious experienced in the gritty streets of New York is a distant memory ... or so she thought. Without warning, Precious worst nightmare becomes a reality. Pretty Boy Mike, the man who brutally raped Precious and who plotted to have her husband Supreme killed, has escaped from prison. With her life in danger, Precious resorts to what she knows best murder and mayhem to defend herself and the people she loves. Hell hath no fury than a gangsta chick out to protect what she cherishes the most her family. Brace yourself as Precious again wreaks havoc from West to East Coast battling her most treacherous enemy yet.

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