The Ghostway (Jim Chee) by Tony Hillerman Paperback Book


Rent The Ghostway (Jim Chee)

Author: Tony Hillerman

Format: Mass Market Paperback

Publisher: Harper

Published: Jun 2010

Genre: Fiction - Mystery & Detective - Series

Retail Price: $9.99

Pages: 320


Old Joseph Joe sees it all, Two strangers spill blood at the Shiprock Wash-O-Mat. One dies. The other drives off into the dry lands of the Big Reservation, but not before he shows the old Navajo a photo of the man he seeks. This is enough to send Tribal Policeman Jim Chee after a killer . . . and on an odyssey of murder and revenge that moves from an Indian hogan and its trapped ghost, to the dark underbelly of L.A., to a healing ceremony whose cure could be death.

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