Thug Lovin by Wahida Clark Paperback Book


Rent Thug Lovin

Author: Wahida Clark

Format: Quality Paperback

Publisher: Grand Central Publishing

Published: Aug 2009

Genre: Fiction - Urban Life

Retail Price: $18.99

Pages: 336


Tasha and Trae, the hood's favorite couple, are still together following the events of Thug Matrimony. Even with their relocation to sunny Los Angeles, the drama of New York cannot be escaped. From running a nightclub to dealing with models, shady lawyers, big money, new kinds of temptations, seductions, and drugs-not to mention new love interests-can this infamous couple weather all the storms and keep it together?

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BookLender review by BABYGIRL01 on 2010-01-28 12:23:07

Im going to tell u the first half of this book is a bunch of lalala and I was getting tired of the ghetto cinderella's- but it go so real and grimey at the end of this book my mouth was open and I was hoping and praying for some more pages- so Wahida get on it... Enjoy the read the end is worth it.