Steve Erickson

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Steve Erickson

'Erickson is as unique and vital and pure a voice as American fiction has produced.'-Jonathan Lethem A film-obsessed ex-seminarian with images of Elizabeth Taylor and Montgomery Clift tattooed on his head arrives on Hollywood Boule...

Published: Nov 2007

Our Ecstatic Days

Steve Erickson

Overcome by a fear that a lake that has miraculously appeared in Los Angeles is out to take her son from her, a single mother plunges into its depths and emerges as a powerful dominatrix and seer, while thousands of miles away, anothe...

Published: Jan 2006

These Dreams of You

Steve Erickson

One November night in a canyon outside L.A., Zan Nordhoc-a failed novelist turned pirate radio DJ-sits before the television with his small, adopted black daughter, watching the election of his country's first black president. In the ...

Published: Jan 2012
  • 1-3 of 3


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