How to Encourage a Love of Reading in Your Children

by Emily Roberts on March 2, 2013

Reading with a child should not only help to develop a love of reading in the child, but it should be a joy for you as the parent as well. After reading Jason Boog’s article for GalleyCat called “Reading Can Boost a Child’s IQ by More Than Six Points,” all of us should realize just how important reading can be to our children’s future.

Encouraging our children to read is easier than you might think. Simply curling up on the couch with mugs of cocoa and a good book is often enough to stimulate a child’s love of reading. It’s the point that they are reading with you that often makes the difference.

Don’t just read to your child though. Make sure to include them in the storytelling, encourage them to talk about what you are reading and to read parts of the book to you. Instilling a love, and respect, for books in your child is something that will last them a lifetime. You can go anywhere in a book and be anything.

Reading should be a joy for you and your child. Making quiet time about reading can also encourage them to read. If they see you reading, they are apt to want to read as well. After all, you are their role model and you should lead by example.

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