Summary of Posts: February 3rd 2013

by Emily Roberts on January 3, 2013

This cycle, we talked about books of the past, present, and even the future. Do you remember your childhood favorites? What mystery books do you like today? Do you think Amazon could AutoRip books of the future? All of these questions and more were asked in this cycle’s articles:

  • What makes a strong mystery book? Roberta Alexander talks about several different mystery books, explaining the plot of the story and why it’s a great book to read.
  • Amazon now ‘AutoRips’ CDs, giving you a digital copy of the CDs that you’ve bought. What if they could do the same thing with books? What if Amazon could give you an ebook version of every printed book you purchased from them? Megan Rose Dickey asks that question in her article.
  • Dan Brown, the author of bestsellers such as Da Vinci Code, is planning on writing a new book called Inferno. Nick Clark talks about his plans and other books that this famous author has written.
  • A movie has just come out about Lincoln, it’s about time that we saw some books as well. Maggie Craig reviews a couple of books that talk about Abraham Lincoln’s afterlife in this article.
  • Sara Foss talks about her visit to the bookstore to buy some books for a twelve year old boy, and then recalls some of her favorite children’s books.
  • What books shaped your life and interests? These two new books about Abraham Lincoln not only entertain their readers, but also educate them about our history.

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