The Case of the Vanishing Books

by Emily Roberts on November 10, 2012

No, it’s not the next cheap mystery novel. This is an actual phenomenon that’s happening today – books are gradually disappearing. It’s happening slowly (a sudden change would be far too obvious) but it’s definitely happening. Who’s the culprit? What’s his or her motive?

Technology is taking over. And why not? It’s efficient, it’s time-saving, it’s easier. But is easier always better? You’ll hear different opinions from different people. On the one hand, easier is . . . well . . . easier! On the other hand, it comes at a price.

lol u fnny xD’ This kind of text is extremely common. Abbreviations, misspellings, awful grammar, and, of course, the smiley face. It wouldn’t be a text without the smiley face. Is this really an improvement over face-to-face, deep discussions? Books force our minds to stay focused and think about what’s happening in the story. People actually talk in books. Time-consuming, I know. In today’s culture, books are just too much. Every one’s so busy texting, browsing Facebook and Twitter, and watching TV, that books are really a bit of a chore.

So, what’s the solution? Or is this really a problem? It’s hard to give an answer to either question. The march of progress must continue – but sometimes it feels like we’re heading the opposite direction. Read another opinion on this sad change here.

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