Science Fiction - Alternative History

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Grantville Gazette IV (The Ring of Fi...

Eric Flint

After the West Virginia town of Grantville was unceremoniously hurled back through time to the 1630s, the seventeenth century would never be the same. Teenage capitalist girls have formed an investment group; a linotype operator, whos...

Published: Jul 2010

Crusade: Destroyermen, Book II

Taylor Anderson

Swept from the World War II Pacific into an alternate world, Lietenant Commander Matthew Patrick Reddy and the crew of the USS Walker have allied with the peaceful Lemurians in their struggle against the warlike, reptilian Grik. But t...

Published: Nov 2009


Jay Lake

Jay Lake's first trade novel is an astounding creation.  Lake has envisioned a clockwork solar system, where the planets move in a vast system of gears around the lamp of the Sun. It is a universe where the hand of the Creator is vis...

Published: Apr 2008

Conqueror: Time's Tapestry Book Two

Stephen Baxter

When William of Normandy, whom history will call the Conqueror, rises to power, the fate of the land rests on actions inspired by the words found in an ancient scroll. It is known as The Prophecy, and it reveals secrets about the futu...

Published: Jul 2009

The Gladiator (Crosstime Traffic)

Harry Turtledove

The Soviet Union won the Cold War. The Russians were a little smarter than they were in our own world, and the United States was a little dumber and a lot less resolute. Now, more than a century later, the world's gone Communist, and ...

Published: Sep 2008

The Valley-Westside War (Crosstime Tr...

Harry Turtledove

Usually Crosstime Traffic concerns itself with trade. Our world owns the secret of travel between parallel continuums, and we mean to use it to trade for much-needed resources with the worlds next door. Preferably without letting th...

Published: Mar 2009
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