A series of unexplained deaths in foreign hospitals sends an idealistic UCLA medical student on a desperate search for answers, in this chilling tale from the master of the medical thriller. Jennifer Hernandez is a fourth-year medi...
New York City medical examiners Laurie Montgomery and Jack Stapleton returns in the stunning new novel from the master of the medical thriller-a ripped-from-the-headlines tale of an innovative doctor's dangerous downward spiral.
In this chilling new novel from the one and only Robin Cook, New York City medical examiners Laurie Montgomery and Jack Stapleton rush to India to help a UCLA student investigating medical tourism—and a sinister global conspiracy.
Meet Peter Brown, a young Manhattan emergency room doctor with an unusual past that is just about to catch up with him. His morning begins with the quick disarming of a would-be mugger, followed by a steamy elevator encounter with a ...
Inside Boston Doctors Hospital, patients are dying. In the glare of the operating room, they survive the surgeon's knife. But in the dark, hollow silence of the night, they die. Suddenly, inexplicably, horribly. A tough, bright doctor...
Robin Cook's 'pressure cooker of a thriller' (Booklist) takes medical technology into a new realm, where everything we know about the human body-and the universe we live in-is about to be challenged.
Four young women have been found murdered—tortured and strangled in their own beds—all victims of the same brilliant monster. Using a skilled hand and the latest technology in forensic medicine, Kay Scarpetta begins the process of...
Inside Boston Doctors Hospital, patients are dying. In the glare of the operating room, they survive the surgeon's knife. But in the dark, hollow silence of the night, they die. Suddenly, inexplicably, horribly. A tough, bright doctor...
The corpse of a mob boss disappears from the city morgue before an autopsy can be performed. It is eventually returned, but without its hands, head, feet, and liver. Dr. Jack Stapleton, the forensic pathologist, doesn't know who took ...
Get drawn into a novel of medical suspense that begins with these chilling questions: Who ends up with the blood samples you routinely give for tests? What else are they being used for? Why don't you know?Take a Deep Breath....From Bo...
As Robin Cook’s roller-coaster of a medical thriller opens, otherwise healthy people are dying shortly after undergoing minor surgery in New York City hospitals. Dr. Laurie Montgomery and Dr. Jack Stapleton, the sparring lovers ...
Marissa Blumenthal, M.D., has been assigned to uncover the cause of the spreading of a deadly virus across the United States. What she discovers is the mad plan of a group of doctors to undermine health maintenance organization (HMO) ...
Dr. Thea Sperelakis, diagnosed as a teen with Asperger's syndrome, has always been an outsider. She has a brilliant medical mind, and a remarkable recall of details, but her difficulty in dealing with hidden agendas and conflicts have...
Boston 1968When one doctor is accused of murder, it takes another to set him free.In the tightly knit world of Boston medicine, the Randall family reigns supreme. When heart surgeon J. D. Randall's teenage daughter dies during a botch...
In need of money, two Harvard grad students sell their eggs to a fertility clinic. Eighteen months later, they decide to take jobs at the clinic to find out what happened to their eggs. They soon realize that they've stumbled into a s...
At the headquarters of Boston's Eastern Quality Health, the wealthy and powerful CEO is brutally murdered. She's not the first to die - nor the last. A vicious serial killer is on the loose and the victims have one thing in common: th...
Every time surgeons operate, they're betting their skills are better than the brain tumor, the faulty heart valve, the fractured femur. Sometimes, they're wrong. At Chelsea General, surgeons answer for bad outcomes at the Morbidity an...
Dr. Thea Sperelakis has always been an outsider. She has a brilliant medical mind and a remarkable ability to recall details, but her difficulty in dealing with hidden agendas and interpersonal conflicts has led her to leave the compl...
Michael Palmer 2-in-1 Collection: The...
Michael PalmerThe Sisterhood: Inside Boston Doctors Hospital, patients are dying. In the glare of the operating room, they survive the surgeon's knife. But in the dark, hollow silence of the night, they die. Suddenly, inexplicably, horribly. A tou...
In 1972, thirty-two-year-old Ann Garrity couldn't ask for more. She has a satisfying teaching career, a comfortable marriage, two wonderful daughters, and a quiet little farm. But when she discovers a lump in her breast, she is thrust...
"Unsparing in her depiction of the disease's harrowing effects, neuroscientist Genova also celebrates humanity." —People "Sometimes it's easier to tell truth in fiction…And she tells it with heart and hope." �...
Lou Arrendale is autistic. When he is tapped to be the subject of an experimental new drug that could cure his condition, he is unsure about the changes it could bring, and afraid that in the midst of its benefits he will lose his ind...
At the headquarters of Boston's Eastern Quality Health, the wealthy and powerful CEO is brutally murdered. She's not the first to die - nor the last. A vicious serial killer is on the loose and the victims have one thing in common: th...
New York City medical examiners Laurie Montgomery and Jack Stapleton return in this stunning new novel from the "master of the medical thriller" (New York Times)—a ripped-from-the-headlines tale of an innovative doctor's d...
ELUSIVE WHISPERS, A DARK CLOSET, STRONG ARMS... DOES SHE EVEN WANT TO REMEMBER?Camille Weller has arrived as the first African-American attending in the trauma service of the Medical College of Virginia. Never mind that the locker roo...
Bryson City Seasons: More Tales of a ...
Walt LarimoreDr. Larimore and his family are back in this hilarious, dramatic, and poignant sequel that follows a doctor's second year of practice in a rural mountain town.
An Irish Country Girl (Irish Country ...
Patrick TaylorPReaders of Patrick Taylor's books know Mrs. Kinky Kincaid as the unflappable housekeeper who looks after two frequently frazzled doctors in the colourful Irish village of Ballybucklebo. She is a trusted fixture in the lives of those...
Robert Ludlum's The Hades Factor
Robert LudlumWith an unbroken string of bestsellers dating from the early '70s (beginning with 1971's The Scarlatti Inheritance) and over 200 million books sold, Robert Ludlum is an acknowledged superstar of the political thriller. Gayle Lynds, ...
Critical Condition (Angels of Mercy)
CJ LyonsIn the middle of a New Year's Eve blizzard, the staff and patients of Angels of Mercy Hospital are held hostage by armed gunmen. Their target is Dr. Gina Freeman, who is holding vigil over her wounded fiance, Detective Jerry Boyle. St...
A young gynecology resident, in the midst of her infertility rotation, realizes that she herself may be infertile. Dr. Amy Levine shares the nitty gritty details that no one tells you until you are there, lying on the table, looking ...