Under a Flaming Sky: The Great Hinckl...
Daniel James BrownOn September 1, 1894, two forest fires converged on the town of Hinckley, Minnesota, trapping more than two thousand people. The fire created its own weather, including hurricane-strength winds, bubbles of plasma-like glowing gas, an...
Facing the Mountain: An Inspiring Sto...
Daniel James BrownA NEW YORK TIMES BESTSELLEROne of NPR's "Books We Love" of 2021 “Masterly. An epic story of four Japanese-American families and their sons who volunteered for military service and displayed uncommon heroism&he...
The Indifferent Stars Above: The Harr...
Daniel James BrownIn April of 1846, Sarah Graves was twenty-one and in love with a young man who played the violin. But she was torn. Her mother, father, and eight siblings were about to disappear over the western horizon forever, bound for California...
The Boys in the Boat: Nine Americans ...
Daniel James BrownFor readers of Laura Hillenbrand's Seabiscuit and Unbroken, the dramatic story of the American rowing team that stunned the world at Hitler's 1936 Berlin OlympicsDaniel James Brown's robust book tells the story of the University of Wa...