T. Colin Campbell

1-3 of 3

Whole: Rethinking the Science of Nutr...

T. Colin Campbell

[Read by Don Hagen]It seemed to be the eternal question: what should we eat to optimize our nutrition and our health? In 2005, T. Colin Campbell's The China Study answered this question definitively. Backed by the most extensive study...

Unabridged CD
Published: May 2013

Whole: Rethinking the Science of Nutr...

T. Colin Campbell

New York Times BestsellerWhat happens when you eat an apple? The answer is vastly more complex than you imagine.Every apple contains thousands of antioxidants whose names, beyond a few like vitamin C, are unfamiliar to us, and each of...

Published: May 2014

The China Study (Spanish)

T. Colin Campbell

"The China Study" offers conclusive evidence that a change of diet can dramatically reduce the risks of heart disease, diabetes, and obesity. The audiobook is based on the most comprehensive study of nutrition ever conducted...

Published: Jun 2011
  • 1-3 of 3


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